The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to Armenia, S. P. Kopirkin, visited the Institute of History of the NAS RA

 On July 2, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to Armenia, S. P. Kopirkin, visited the Institute of History of the NAS RA. During the meeting, issues related to regional matters and perspectives on bilateral cooperation in the field of historiography were discussed


Two-Day Conference

On June 18-19, an international conference titled “Controversial Issues of the Common History of the CIS Member States: Modern Views and Approaches” was held in Moscow. The two-day event saw participation from scientists representing Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan.


Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of History on the specialization of “History of Armenia” 07.00.01.

The Defense of the Dissertation will be held on September 20, 2024, at 1300 at the Session of the Specialized Council 004 on Armenian History of HESC RA by the Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of RA (0019, Yerevan, Marshal Baghramyan ave., 24/4).

Presentation of Picture Book

On May 7, the National Academy of Sciences of RA hosted the presentation of the picture book “Marshal Baghramyan” in its session hall. The event commenced with an opening speech by the Director of the Institute of History, Academician Ashot Melkonyan.


On April 27, a presentation of the first and second volumes of the document collection “The Egyptian Armenian Community in the Evolution of the Armenian Question” was held at the Blgdanian Hall in Cairo. The event was chaired by His Eminence Bishop Ashot Mnatsakanyan, Prelate of the Armenian Diocese of Egypt. The collection is curated based on documents from the Archives of the National Prelacy of Cairo.


Book Presentation

On April 19, 2024, under the auspices of Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia Aram I, the “Birds’ Nest” institution in Jbail hosted the presentation of the collection of materials from the “Armenian Genocide and Armenian Orphans” roundtable discussion, commemorating the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the orphanage.


Annual Armenological Conference

On February 16, 2023, the annual Armenological conference titled “21st Annual Graduate Student Colloquium in Armenian Studies” was convened at the University of California (Los Angeles, UCLA). Andranik Yesayan from the NAS RA Institute of History delivered a presentation there (“Demographic changes of Tavush province in the 17th-18th centuries”).




Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of History on the specialization of «History of Armenia» 07.00.01


The Defense of the Dissertation will be held on January 30, at 1300 at the Session of the Specialized Council 004 on Armenian History of SQC RA by the Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of RA (0019, Yerevan, Marshal Baghramyan ave., 24/4).

Commemorative matinee on the 100th birth anniversary of Simon Krkyasharyan, a famous historian, source specialist and corresponding member of the NAS RA

On the initiative of the Department of Ancient History of the NAS RA, a commemorative matinee dedicated to the 100th birthday of the famous historian and source researcher Simon Krkyasharyan was held. The aim of the memorial matinee was to pay tribute to the historian’s scholarly legacy once again and to honour the bright memory of the scholar.


On the joint initiative of the ARF Armenian Committee of Greece, the periodical “Armenica”, the Pontic Union and the Panhellenic Union of Assyrians, the congress “Turkey’s consistent policy of conquest towards the Balkans, the Middle East, Mesopotamia and Armenia” took place on November 19 in the hall of the old Greek parliament building in Athens. The three speakers who took part in the congress presented Turkey’s policy from the 19th century to the present day and went into detail about the genocidal policy towards the neighboring peoples, which most recently found expression in the deportation of the Armenians from Artsakh.


Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of History on the specialization of «History of Armenia» 07.00.01

The Defense of the Dissertation will be held on December 26, at 1400 at the Session of the Specialized Council 004 on Armenian History of SQC RA by the Institute of History of the National Academy of Scienses of RA (0019, Yerevan, Marshal Baghramyan ave., 24/4).

The participation of the NAS RA Institute of History in the international conference “Arevik (Meghri): Historical and Cultural Heritage and International Relations”

From November 17-19, the city of Meghri in the Syunik region hosted the international conference “Arevik (Meghri). Historical and Cultural Heritage and International Relations”, which was organised by the NAS RA Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography and Yerevan State University with the support of the pan-national organisation “Earth and Culture” and the “All Armenian Foundation Financing Armenological Studies”.

International certificate

Leading researcher of the NAS RA Institute of History, Dr. Hist. Sci. Gayane Makhmourian received the invitation of the International Historical Biographical Institute (operating in Dubai-New York-Rome-Burgas-Jerusalem-Beijing) to participate in the International Scientific Project titled the “Nobel Laureates: Studying Experience and Professional Achievements for Forming a Successful Personality and Transforming of the World” in Oslo, Stockholm, New York, Rome, Burgas, Jerusalem and Beijing. She participated in the Nobel Laureates’ Reflection Course, submitted a brief summary and was awarded the “International Lecturer / Senior Researcher” (IRS) certificate on July 22, 2023, which is classified in the field “Research and Development” (R&D).

Summer school 2023։ “Historical Texts: Culture and Interpretations of Their Creation”

From October 30 to November 5, 2023, Tashkent (Uzbekistan) hosted a regular summer school for young historians of the CIS countries titled “Historical Texts: Culture and Interpretations of Their Creation”. The event was initiated by the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Interstate Fund for Humanitarian Cooperation of the CIS countries (IFHC), the International Public Fund, and the International Association of Historians and Archivists of the CIS countries.


From November 1-4, the Russian Academy of Sciences organised an academic forum of young scientists from the countries of Greater Eurasia (Академический форум молодых ученых стран Большой Евразии, «КОНТИНЕНТ НАУКИ»), entitled “THE PLANET OF SCIENCE” in Moscow, which was dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 

International Conference

On September 19, 2023, an international conference entitled “ARMENIA AND ARMENIANS AT THE TURNING POINTS OF WORLD HISTORY (HISTORY AND MODERNITY)” was held in the meeting room of the NAS RA Institute of History.

Cooperation Agreement with the Institute of Ethnological Studies of R. G. Kuzeev of the RF Ufa Federal Scientific Center

On July 26, in Ufa – the capital of Bashkortostan, on behalf of the NAS RA Institute of History Academician of the NAS RA A. A. Melkonyan signed a tripartite cooperation agreement with S. M. Yemelin – the Director of the Institute of Ethnological Studies after R. G. Kuzeev of the Ufa Federal Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences and R. N. Zinurov – the representative of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bashkortostan.